There are many skills needed to become a competent, successful, confident babywearer. There's "getting a good seat" which prevents your baby from falling out of a carrier. There's "spreading the passes" to make sure your wrap stays nice and snug. Then there is the babywearing selfie. Many of us who babywear don't know a huge number of other babywearers. It's just not as popular as some other hobbies like knitting, marathoning, or rock climbing. So we share our successes (and failures) through pictures shared with others in various online communities. It's a great way to get feedback and support when you can't have someone right next to you as you attempt a new carry. It's also a fun way to document your baby as he or she grows and to look back on how far you've come from your first few attempts! Here is a little breakdown of what I've found to be the major categories of "babywearing selfies" along with some of our early and recent photos.

1. The Mirror Selfie:
Requirements include an unmade bed or pile of laundry in the background and a goofy looking face. Good for trying new carries, especially if they are going horribly awry.
Requirements include an unmade bed or pile of laundry in the background and a goofy looking face. Good for trying new carries, especially if they are going horribly awry.

2. The "Look at us, we made it out of the house!" Selfie:
Documenting the herculean task of getting yourself and your child reasonably presentable and dressed in weather-appropriate clothing. Often occurs during the magic window between meals, naps, and general meltdowns.
Documenting the herculean task of getting yourself and your child reasonably presentable and dressed in weather-appropriate clothing. Often occurs during the magic window between meals, naps, and general meltdowns.

3. The Fluff Mail Action Shot Selfie:
A new wrap or carrier has literally just left the hands of your postal carrier and the USPS priority mailer is still floating to the floor, but you are already trying out your favorite carries and documenting them from every angle.
A new wrap or carrier has literally just left the hands of your postal carrier and the USPS priority mailer is still floating to the floor, but you are already trying out your favorite carries and documenting them from every angle.

4. The Sleepy Dust Selfie
After walking around your house or neighborhood for minutes or hours, you finally feel your little one's head rest against your chest or back and you know they are finally FINALLY asleep! This blessed event most definitely deserves documentation. Taking a quick sleepy selfie is also a great way to make sure baby really IS asleep before attempting the dreaded carrier to bed dismount.
After walking around your house or neighborhood for minutes or hours, you finally feel your little one's head rest against your chest or back and you know they are finally FINALLY asleep! This blessed event most definitely deserves documentation. Taking a quick sleepy selfie is also a great way to make sure baby really IS asleep before attempting the dreaded carrier to bed dismount.

5. The Babywearing Selfie Collage:
This is an advanced babywearing skill involving multiple apps or photo editing programs. Maybe you're composing a collection of shots representing your entire babywearing stash. Perhaps you want to document what carriers you used on your last vacation. Usually there's a theme and too often there are colored borders, memes, and "stickers" decorating the edges.
This is an advanced babywearing skill involving multiple apps or photo editing programs. Maybe you're composing a collection of shots representing your entire babywearing stash. Perhaps you want to document what carriers you used on your last vacation. Usually there's a theme and too often there are colored borders, memes, and "stickers" decorating the edges.