Welcome back! It's been a busy holiday season here and we are excited to get back to posts and tutorials. This video shows a great, supportive back carry that can be a little tricky to master. Getting the chest belt nice and tight has taken a lot of practice for us. Don't give up if your first attempt is a loose, sloppy mess. It gets better!
Arrrrgh matey! This is probably one of the carries we use the most. It's fairly quick, supportive, and useful with a short wrap. This demonstration is with a size 3 wrap, it can also be done with a size 2 and finished with a rebozo knot. This variation is finished with a candy cane chest belt (CCCB).
This is one of my favorite carries for being out and about. It's great for sitting down at church or in a restaurant and nursing E when she gets fussy. She's comfy and can look around all while having a snack! It's also adds great versatility to a size 3 or 4 wrap. Two passes over the shoulder adds great support and more stability than a simple rebozo carry.
The slip knot, or rebozo knot, is an essential part of learning the art of babywearing and wrapping. It's a great tool for easily lowering baby to nurse, getting baby out of the wrap quickly, and adjusting tension. As with everything, practice makes perfect, and this is a skill you can practice even without your baby.
Braiding is a really simple way to break in or store your wraps. It also can keep them compact in your car or diaper bag. Check out this simple tutorial on how to braid a woven wrap. The wrap used in this demo is a size 4 Kokadi Firescales, 100% cotton. Special guest appearance by E :)
This was one of the first carries I learned with a short wrap. The wrap in this video is a short size 3 (3 meters instead of 3.2 meters) Hoppediz Katmandu. This wrap was great to learn with because the two sides are so different as you can see at the end of the video. This carry involves tying a slip knot. Check out the tutorials tomorrow for detailed videos on slip knots and braiding a wrap!
This is a great carry if you don't like the feeling of ruck straps over your shoulders or if you have a little one who is a leg-straightener. With passes that come under baby's legs, this carry prevents your baby from losing their seat while wiggling. My daughter also loves to snooze in this carry because it's so secure. This demo shows baby wrapped with arms out, but wrapping with arms in is also an option. The wrap used in this demo is a size 4 Didymos Orient, 100% cotton.
Okay, this one is a little more challenging! When I finally learned this carry it opened a whole new world to me. This is a super supportive shorty carry. I always keep a set of sling rings in my diaper bag just in case. We actually had to use this carry on a 3 day backpacking trip because E was FED UP with the frame pack we were using. I had packed an emergency shorty and rings and thank goodness I did! It would have been a loooooong hike without the extra support I was able to get from DHDR.
Our first tutorial! Now don't be disappointed that it's just a simple ruck. Getting this carry down pat is a great foundation for all other back carries. It especially takes practice to get a good deep seat and a nice high baby. I suggest trying this over a bed or couch until you feel really comfortable. Happy wrapping!
Here you will find a running list of video tutorials for wrap carries and other helpful tidbits. Search "BabyBeWorn" on YouTube to find these videos there.